employee training News

Strap on the Goggles. Employee Training Is Entering Virtual Reality.

The future of employee training involves no embarrassing role-playing in front of new colleagues or boring web modules which take an hour each to click through. For the next wave in workplace learning, get ready to strap on a pair …

Bipartisan Bill Would Give Small Businesses a Tax Credit for Employee Training

A bipartisan group of congressmen has filed legislation to encourage employers to invest more in training and educating their employees. The legislation would create a tax credit for 25 percent of the first $5,000, or up o $1,250, that an …

Court Upholds Unpaid Internships with Educational Value

Unpaid internships are legal when they are closely tied to interns’ educations, a U.S. appeals court in Manhattan said on Thursday in reversing a decision that Fox Searchlight Pictures Inc. broke the law by not paying interns. The lower courts …