gun control and gun liability News

In 2021 US Firearm Fatalities Reached Record Highs for Second Straight Year: Report

Newswise — A new report from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions analyzing 2021 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data reveals another record year for firearm fatalities. The 48,830 lives lost to firearms in 2021—the second year …

Missouri Lawmakers Override Veto, Loosen Gun Laws

Missouri’s Republican-led Legislature has used its supermajority to significantly loosen the state’s gun laws and potentially tighten its voting requirements as lawmakers overrode numerous vetoes of Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon. The sweeping guns legislation would allow most adults to carry …

Gun Liability Insurance Measures Facing Uphill Battle in State Legislatures

While lawmakers in most states have introduced measures in their current legislative sessions that address gun control and gun liability issues, their approaches vary widely, largely depending on the area of the country in which their states are located. Legislation …

Interest in Personal Gun Liability Insurance Protection Increasing

Interest in personal liability insurance for firearms owners has expanded with the media focus on gun-centric events and the public discussion of liability issues. While coverage is available through gun owner associations and through specialty insurers, the liability component of …