pure premium News

California Commissioner: Insurers Pocketing Comp Profits, Not Passing Savings to Employers

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones on Tuesday adopted a revised workers’ compensation insurance advisory pure premium rate by lowering the benchmark to $1.74 per $100 of payroll for workers’ comp. The change is effective July 1, 2018. Jones has reduced …

California Commissioner Adopts $1.94 Workers’ Comp Pure Premium

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has adopted an advisory pure premium rate that lowers the benchmark to $1.94 per $100 of payroll for workers’ compensation insurance. The advisory rate is effective Jan. 1, 2018. The rate is 17.1 percent less …

Oregon Workers’ Comp Costs to Drop for 5th Consecutive Year

Oregon employers will see a key portion of their workers’ compensation costs drop by an average of 14 percent in 2018, according to the Department of Consumer and Business Services. This marks the fifth year in a row that businesses …

New Workers’ Comp Filing Submitted to California Department of Insurance

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau on Friday submitted an amended Jan. 1, 2018 pure premium rate filing to the California Department of Insurance. The amended filing was based on the WCIRB’s recent review of June 30 loss experience, which …

California Workers’ Comp Committee Votes for Higher Pure Premium Filing

The governing committee of the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau today voted to authorize the WCIRB to submit a Jan. 1, 2018 Advisory Pure Premium Rate Filing to the California Insurance Commissioner with rates that average $2.01 per $100 of …

California Commissioner Lowers Workers’ Comp Advisory Rate

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones adopted and issued a revised advisory pure premium rate, lowering the benchmark to $2.30 per $100 of payroll for workers’ compensation insurance. The change is effective July. This is a 10.5 percent reduction compared with …

California Commissioner OKs 10.2% Drop in Workers’ Comp Advisory Rates

Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones signed on to a recommendation by the California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of an advisory pure premium rate for July that is 10.2 percent lower than those approved on Jan. 1. Jones issued his decision …

California State Fund Files April 1 Rating Plan

California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund has filed for a 9 percent increase in collectible premium that will apply to new and renewal workers’ compensation policies effective on or after April 1. Although the rate plan is designed to generate an …

California Commissioner Favors Lower WC Premium Than Board

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones adopted an advisory average pure premium rate of $2.70 per $100 of employer payroll for workers’ compensation rates effective Jan. 1, 2014, which is lower than that proposed by the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau. …