Lowdown on Construction – A Report to Share

By | January 18, 2018

One of the easiest ways to remain connected with your network of referral sources, your clients, and prospects, is to share a piece of meaningful content. This week’s Lowdown directs you to a report you can share with your network of commercial lenders, realtors, commercial and residential property owners, and those in the construction field. FMI’s Construction Outlook 2017 Q3 is a compact, quick read filled with data from 2017 and projections for 2018 and beyond. It breaks out the trends by industry as well as building type.

Looking ahead to 2018, FMI projects the residential market will experience the greatest growth in single family construction (7%) while in the commercial arena, office space will grow by 9%. Within the slowest growth sector of ‘non’ building construction, most promising will be power, expected to grow by 3%.

If one of your new year’s resolutions was to step up your networking, social media presence or contact with clients, check out this report and see if it fits any of those objectives and consider posting, sending, linking or downloading and printing to take to lunch and hand off to someone who might appreciate it.

FMI anticipates release of the year end report by end of January, so visit Research & Trends to be sure to get the Q4 report, or sign up for our newsletter and never miss a new report! – Pam Simpson

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